
Does the Current Opioid Crisis Constitute a National Emergency? The federal government has multiple responsibilities, including acknowledging when a situation has turned from a problem into a crisis. Currently, there are many people who are debating whether or not the opioid crisis in the US today needs to be declared a national emergency. Both sides of the fence have valid points and the debate itself can be quite heated. First of all, it is important to understand what falls within this category of drugs. Opioids are a classification of drugs that includes illegal street drugs as well as ones that can be prescribed and used under the care of a medical professional. Although heroin is often the first thing that comes to mind when opiates are mentioned, the ones prescribed by doctors can be equally addictive. Oftentimes the first exposure someone has to this class of drugs is after some type of medical crisis when a medical team determined that it was the best course of action fo...

Counseling For Heroin Addicts

With over 15 million addicts , the heroin epidemic has become a real problem in the US. Heroin addicts seeking treatment and rehabilitation understand the difficulty associated with this journey. It's important to recognize the value of counseling and the use of Suboxone while going down this path. Here is a look at what both can do in unison. Benefits of Counseling For Heroin Addicts 1) Adds Structure To Treatment Plan It all starts with something as simple as a structured solution in an addict's life. The standard string with addicts is being unable to find structure in their life. This can cause significant concerns about what to do next and how to get out of the cycle they're in. Counseling can break this cycle and make sure there is a structured plan put in place to help. Without this structure, the addict is never able to get out and ends up making things worse. This structure adds to the integrity of the treatment and how it is managed in the long...

smart recovery

Getting Sober With Smart Recovery Methods   If you're tired of the vicious cycle of drinking, and you don't feel that the 12-step program is working, you may wish to consider getting sober with smart recovery.  Smart Recovery is a program that works by self-empowerment. Self-empowerment is a form of addiction recovery and support. Participants will learn the right tools for recovery based on scientific research. Smart Recovery is a worldwide recovery community that includes free mutual self-help groups worldwide. There are 4 main points to the Smart Recovery plan. These 4 main points include the following: Building And Maintaining Coping With Urges Managing Thoughts, Feelings, And Behaviors Leading A Balanced Life Each of the above mentioned 4 main points gives the participant the tools required to lead a clean and sober lifestyle without the desire to use. As the participant works through each of the main points they are adding to their toolbox of tools that will...
Sober living facilities help provide young men with a structured living environment after they've exited rehab. These facilities help bridge the gap from rehab to reality. After repeated abuse of drugs and alcohol, and the negative consequences that follow, substance abuse rehab treatment is the next step. Starting a new life, a sober life, means that you can be the person you have really always wanted to be. Getting clean and sober, and breaking the addictive behavior in which you were engaged for a long time, will allow you to identify why you began using drugs and alcohol to cope with your life. With that information, you can determine how to recognize the emotions and triggers in you that lead to drinking and drugging in the past. Treatment plans to help the individual with their substance abuse issues are created to ensure a successful stay during sober living. Twelve Step meetings, individual therapy, recreational activity and group therapy are just a few of the treatme...

Sober Living residents and AA

Some research with clients at sober living in florida   supports the concept that changing "people, places, and things" and finding a network of people in recovery, helps you stay clean and sober long term. However, other mutual help groups like Cocaine anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous provide the fellowship addicts need to make it on a daily basis, Other 12-step groups do exist that may provide the social support needed by recovering addicts while in sober living environments. A study on  12-step groups vs. 12-step alternatives like SMART Recovery, Life Ring, and Women For Sobriety, examined abstinence or drinking/using outcomes among residents with addiction issues . The study found that "despite less days of in-person meeting attendance, members of all the 12-step alternatives were staying clean and sober showed equal levels of satisfaction and cohesion, compared to AA/NA members." Another study showed that regular attendance at religious worship and educational...