Some research with clients at sober living in florida supports the concept that changing "people, places, and things" and finding a network of people in recovery, helps you stay clean and sober long term. However, other mutual help groups like Cocaine anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous provide the fellowship addicts need to make it on a daily basis, Other 12-step groups do exist that may provide the social support needed by recovering addicts while in sober living environments. A study on 12-step groups vs. 12-step alternatives like SMART Recovery, Life Ring, and Women For Sobriety, examined abstinence or drinking/using outcomes among residents with addiction issues . The study found that "despite less days of in-person meeting attendance, members of all the 12-step alternatives were staying clean and sober showed equal levels of satisfaction and cohesion, compared to AA/NA members." Another study showed that regular attendance at religious worship and educational...
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