smart recovery

Getting Sober With Smart Recovery Methods  

If you're tired of the vicious cycle of drinking, and you don't feel that the 12-step program is working, you may wish to consider getting sober with smart recovery.  Smart Recovery is a program that works by self-empowerment.

Self-empowerment is a form of addiction recovery and support. Participants will learn the right tools for recovery based on scientific research. Smart Recovery is a worldwide recovery community that includes free mutual self-help groups worldwide.

There are 4 main points to the Smart Recovery plan. These 4 main points include the following:

Building And Maintaining
Coping With Urges
Managing Thoughts, Feelings, And Behaviors
Leading A Balanced Life

Each of the above mentioned 4 main points gives the participant the tools required to lead a clean and sober lifestyle without the desire to use. As the participant works through each of the main points they are adding to their toolbox of tools that will help them to cope with day to day stresses and lifestyle changes.

Smart Recovery works for all of the following addiction cycles:

Drug Abuse
Alcohol Abuse
Gambling Addiction
Cocaine Addiction
Sexual Addiction
Abusive Behaviors
Prescription Drug Abuse
Other Addictive Behaviors

The program works with daily meetings online and face to face as well as chat rooms that are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week 365 days per year.

Getting sober with Smart Recovery works by utilizing the following methods:

Giving addicts the self-empowerment and self-reliance that they need to stay clean and sober.

Offering a variety of educational and support meetings that will help to define the need for abuse.

Teaching individuals how to lead a clean and sober life and enjoy life.

Self-directed changes.

Scientifically supported use of psychological treatments.

Prescribing legal psychiatric medications for drug and alcohol addiction.

Working on the maladaptive behaviors as well as the potential physiological factors.

Evolving as the knowledge base improves on recovery.

Smart Recovery is different than Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous as well as all other 12-step programs.

How Will I Know When I'm Ready?

Many addicts and alcoholics are ready right now. They've had enough of life's consequences and there is no need for anyone to tell them that they have a serious issue. It's clearly obvious to them that there are changes that need to be made to enjoy life clean and sober and without the bondage of drugs and alcohol.

It may take some time to become completely free of the addictive behaviors, however, with the commitment of time and abstinence in their heart, they are already on the road to recovery.

How Can They Make The Commitment?

The commitment comes with time. Often, just exploring the options will lead the addict or alcoholic to the commitment. Before anyone considered recovery, they often have to reach their rock bottom point in life.

For some, this is sooner than others. Many reach rock bottom when they are arrested. There is time to start over regardless of that what that rock bottom point is. On average, patients will have two and a half relapses before they are permanently sober.

Some won't relapse at all. It really depends on the individual and their commitment to sobriety. Becoming committed to sobriety isn't an easy task but it's a course of action that has several steps to achieve.

No one is perfect, it's easy to fall prey to temptation. Permanent commitment is the commitment to a course of action that will change the patterns that put them in addiction in the first place.

What If I Relapse?

Don't beat yourself up over a relapse. Start over and analyze what led to the relapse. What excuses were used and recommit to the commitment of sobriety?

Forgive yourself and move forward with the resolve to succeed the next time. Remind yourself that you're not going to use anymore. Reinforce the commitment in your heart and mind. Make rational decisions.

Remember the consequences aren't worth it. Be realistic in why sobriety is the right decision. Addictive behavior isn't worth it. Focus on the benefits of sobriety.

Getting sober with Smart Recovery is worth the time and effort and has great results. Are you ready to commit?


  1. Thanks for sharing all the methods regarding to addiction recovery. If someone here need help from their addiction, Transcend Recovery Community in Los Angeles is willing to help.


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